Avoid Asbestos Penalties

asbestos penalties

Partner with a company who can help navigate the unknowns surrounding asbestos.

Did you see the latest news, published in the Boston Herald, reporting $100,000 in civil penalties for illegal asbestos work? The hefty fine was recently imposed on a New Bedford, MA landlord operating a dozen properties. The landlord had allowed contractors to perform illegal asbestos work at 4 of the homes he was renovating, putting both workers and the public at risk of asbestos exposure. Read the full news report here.

There are stringent rules and regulations on asbestos for a reason of which safety and health are number one. We hear often that people may not know if they have asbestos or if they do, they see big dollar signs and try to save with shortcuts. At Banner Environmental Services we believe in promoting a safe and healthy environment for all, which is why we are a passionate about what we do. Additionally, we try to ease the burden of the unknown for our customers. We do this by providing no cost estimates on proposed work. We also provide asbestos survey services for those who may not know if asbestos is in fact present.

Should you need assistance when it comes to identifying and remediating asbestos or any other potential hazardous material such as vermiculite, give us a call. We will be happy to respond – getting you the answers you need to the questions you have.

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